Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Freedom Fighters!

After an insurmountable amount of email that I received from all of the dedicated fans of this site (read: two), and the First Amendment, I have decided to let the comments continue. I do have a request though: keep your slander about this blogger and his mom to yourself. Also, if your looking for the best up to date tech news, try news.com, digg.com, or cnn.com. My blog is just that, my blog. The news that I care about and find relevant to well, me. Freedom Fighters great work keeping this nation free! By the way, why you bastards are here click on the Google ads. I make like $0.60 everytime someone click on one, help a brother out! And hey, let's play some F-ing Halo.


Anonymous said...

It's good to see Justin let the biggestbuddy express himself again. Go nuts biggestbuddy - you certainly are my.... biggestbuddy.

Anonymous said...

Um well that is a good comment about slander and libel the two forms of defamation. You missed the first part of a prima facie case for defamation and that is that it has to be published by a third party. Also makes a big difference on whether it is per se or per quod. NOOB!