Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Play Forza Motorsport 2 With 5 Screens!

This week on Major Nelson's PodBlogcast he interviews the lead developer of Forza (Not Fortza) 2 and they talk about how Forza 2 can utilize up to 5 different screens for your playing pleasure. How does one achieve this, here's what you need:
  1. 5 Xbox 360's
  2. 5 (HD) TV's
  3. 5 Copies Of Forza 2
  4. 360 Racing Wheel and Racing Seat Optional
That's a lot of stuff to buy, but in reality you only need four copies of each because the fifth TV is just a replay camera so you don't really need that... Once you get everything set up, you just network all the 360's together and start the game on your main console. You can even play over Live against folks with this wicked set up. You've got the three main screens in front of you and the fourth is your rear view mirror, so you really have to turn around and look behind you to see behind you.

As a side note, in Major's interview he and the lead developer of the Forza Team both refer to Forza as Fortza... I find this funny cause I always called Forza 1 Fortza for the longest time, and now that I've gotten over it others are catching it. Anyone else ever had this issue?

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