When Halo Wars ships March 3rd it is going to include 3 new multiplayer maps for Halo 3 inside. Pretty smart marketing on Microsoft's party... Of course you'll be able to buy the maps without buying Halo Wars but that will be a few months down the line, and really what self-respecting Halo fan could wait that long?
The new Mythic Map Pack will include three new maps: Assembly, Orbital, and Sandbox. Sandbox is of course the picture above, Assembly I've talked about here, and Orbital has yet to be shown to the public.
Sandbox looks pretty cool to me, I've always been a fan of Sandtrap and this looks like more of the same. The difference with Sandbox seems to be that all the pieces could be removable, so that would make for a great sandbox to Forge around in...
You see what I did there?
You have to pay 20.00 more, for the collectors edition.
Either way, you're paying for the maps...
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